What to know about your Baby's First Visit

Pediatric Cardiology Center of Oregon First Baby Visit
Babies are sent here by their pediatricians or family physicians because he or she listened to the baby’s chest and heard a noise, otherwise known as a murmur. While most heart murmurs turn out to be innocent, some may indicate a heart problem. That is why it is a good idea to have your baby further evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist.
After check-in, a medical assistant will bring you and your baby to our back office where the baby will be weighed and measured. After these measurements are taken, the medical assistant will escort you and your baby to the exam room where the physician will talk with you about your baby and listen to your baby’s heart.
The physician may order a test during the visit to be completed here at Pediatric Cardiology Center of Oregon and the results to be reviewed before you leave the office. These tests may include:
Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG): An electrocardiogram checks the electrical impulses of the baby’s heart. This does not hurt and you may hold your child during the exam. Stickers are placed on the arms, legs and chest and then attached to small clips. It is best if no lotion or oil is put on the baby the day of the appointment as this may prevent the stickers from adhering to the baby.
Echocardiogram (echo): This test converts sound waves from the heart into digital images – much like the ultrasound an expectant mother would endure during pregnancy. This test is done here in our office and may take up to 20 or 30 minutes. You may be enlisted to assist in keeping your baby still as we need the clearest images possible for the best results.
Upon completion of the test the physician will sit down with you to discuss the results and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Non Urgent and Follow-up Appointments
Non urgent and follow-up appointments can be made by calling our office Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. We currently do not schedule more than 6 months out for follow-up appointments. PLEASE have your insurance card available.
We do our best to accommodate our patients’ needs during an appointment. When requesting an appointment, please be as detailed as possible about your child and the reason that he/she is being referred so that we may reserve the appropriate amount of time with the most suitable cardiologist to give you and your child the best possible care. If your child has had previous cardiac testing (i.e. electrocardiogram (or EKG), echocardiogram, or chest x-ray) please inform us when scheduling the appointment as these results are useful to our cardiologists when they evaluate your child.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call the office at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule. A $50 Late Cancellation/No Show fee will be charged to you directly if less than 24-hour notice is given. We do understand that emergencies occur and are willing to discuss these situations upon cancellation to avoid charging you the $50 fee.
What you will need upon check-in
On the day of your appointment, please bring the following;
Current insurance card
Co-payment (if required)
You will be asked to verify all of the information that we have taken over the phone when scheduling the appointment. If any of this information has changed (i.e. phone numbers, address, primary care physician) we ask that you update us at the time of check-in as to help ensure that payment for your care is as smooth as possible.